Stefano Fumagalli got the Laurea in biology from the University of Milan, Italy in 1988. He then spent 3 years in the laboratory of Lidia Larizza at the department of biology and genetics of the faculty of medicine in Milan that he had joined two years earlier to develop his laurea thesis project. There he continued his work on oncogenes function in model systems of lymphomagenesis and melanomas. At the end of 1991 he joined as a post-doc the laboratory of Sara Courtneidge at the european molecular biology laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, where he he made major discoveries on the regulation of the activity and substrates of tyrosine kinases of the Src family. At the end of 1995 he moved to the laboratory of George Thomas, first as a post-doc at the Friedrich Miescher institute (FMI) in Basel, Switzerland and then, starting from the end of 2004, as a research associate at the genome research institute (GRI) of the University of Cincinnati, USA. In Thomas lab he worked on the regulation of protein synthesis but mainly contributed important findings to the dissection of a p53-dependent cell-cycle checkpoint that ensues in mammalian cells when ribosome biogenesis is impaired, with important implications for ribosomopathies, pathological conditions caused by defects in ribosome synthesis. These latter achievements earned him a DR2 position at INSERM. In 2011 he joined the INSERM U845 of Cell growth where he started his group which in 2014 was among the founders of the Institute Necker Enfants Malades (INEM). On the occasion of the recreation of INEM in 2019 he terminated the activity of his group and joined the one of Mario Pende where he is implicated in the supervision of projects on the metabolic adaptations of senescent cells and the pathophysiology of the mTOR pathway.