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Legal Information

Institut Necker Enfants Malades
Faculté de médecine Necker – Université Paris Cité
160, rue de Vaugirard
75015 Paris Cedex - France

Director of publication: Fabiola Terzi, Director of Institut Necker Enfants Malades

Editorial : Institut Necker Enfants Malades

Graphic Design and Concept: Fred Chailleux

Design and Production: Emmanuel Paillardon

Hosting : GANDI SAS

Photos Credits: François Christophe Photographe

Domain name: The reservation of the domain name was made with GANDI SAS in accordance with the legal provisions currently applicable.


The entire content present on the site has been provided by Institut Necker Enfants Malades (INEM).

The site is intended for all audiences: general public, researchers, healthcare professionals, journalists, students. It has been set up by INEM to present the Institute's activities, its missions, its commitment to research, training, teaching, innovation, and public health.

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