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At INEM, we've carefully crafted a governance structure that facilitates effective decision-making, strategic planning, and embraces diverse perspectives at all levels. This framework not only ensures transparency, collaboration, and informed decision-making but also recognizes the integral role of support services in optimizing our institute's functionality.


Fabiola Terzi is the Director of Institut Necker Enfants Malades Institute. Sabine Barbut, the General Secretary, supports her in the operational management of the institute.


  • Team Leaders Council

The Team Leaders Council plays a central role in defining research directions and organization of the institute. The council consists of all team leaders, the director of INEM, the general secretary, and distinguished former team leaders who wish to maintain an active role within the Institute.

  • Management Committee

Under the leadership of Fabiola Terzi, the Management Committee prepares questions regarding the institute's overall scientific strategy for the Team Leaders Council. This promotes strategic planning within the institute and efficient decision-making.

The management committee is comprised of the Director of INEM, heads of scientific departments, and the General Secretary.

In addition, the management of INEM seeks advice from several bodies:

  • International Scientific Advisory Board

Comprised of internationally renowned scientific figures, the SAB plays a fundamental role in defining the strategic orientation of research at INEM.

  • Oversight Council

The oversight council brings together the management of INEM and representatives from overseeing bodies and partners of INEM. This council plays an essential role in ensuring organizational synergy in support of research.

  • Research Center Council

Composed of representative members of INEM, elected or appointed, and ex-officio members (prevention and security, management), this council meets twice a year to provide advice on internal matters.

  • General Assembly

An open forum for all members of INEM, the General Assembly provides an opportunity for everyone to express their views on the achievements, projects, and organization of INEM. This event promotes transparent communication and fosters a shared vision of INEM among all its members.




  • Research Support Services

Critical to the smooth operation of our institute, our human resources, finances, logistics, IT, and communication services collaborate to optimize the functioning of INEM. These services play an essential role in aligning operational functions with our strategic and scientific objectives.

INEM's central washing room supports all teams and the SFR Necker, playing a vital role in preparing glassware and media essential for our research operations.

  • Platforms

Our institute benefits from technological platforms shared with the Institute of Genetic Diseases IMAGINE and organized by the Necker Federative Research Structure (SFR Necker).

Additionally, INEM hosts two specialized technical platforms: Radioactivity and Recombinant Proteins, which pool cutting-edge resources and expertise, facilitating innovation and collaboration across disciplines.

Essential to the smooth functioning of our institute, our research support services, including human resources, finance, IT, and site management, collaborate to optimize operations. Although these services are not part of the formal governance structure, they play a crucial role in aligning administrative functions with our strategic and scientific objectives.